Robin's Diary

Window of opportunity on road sign with arrow pointing

Investing for the future!

As the showrooms are now closed, and the only people we see are service customers, it’s a great time to give the showrooms a lick of paint and get the tradespeople in to do the jobs we have put off. It not only reduces disruption, but also sends a strong signal to the workforce that we are here for the long term, and will look much better when customers return – it’s a win-win!

By the same token it’s a great time for anyone on Furlough to take time to invest in new skills, increase their knowledge and abilities, so they too can improve in the future. Generally, in the workplace, we are always too busy doing the day to day work to better ourselves, but now many people have time on their hands, so my advice is, use that time wisely.  Treat yourself like a business treats its assets, develop them and improve them now, because when we get over this blip in the road, you will benefit from it.  It is just like a sportsman or woman who trains for hours, days, months, for maybe just a few seconds or minutes when they can make the impossible look easy!  We can all do the same in our work, and let’s face it, you may never get a chance to have the time to do it again ever!

So do it now, don’t waste time, invest in your own future.        

“If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.” Tom Peters