Robin's Diary

Note on noticeboard Don't panic for Robin's Diary

Don’t Panic!

The mainstream media are at it again, putting fear into the minds of the public. The last time was in March 2020 when they were right, the world could have ground to a stop, but it didn’t.

Gas isn’t going to run out, but, as happens in many industries, new companies jump on a band wagon, undercut prices, then realise it’s not sustainable and go bust.

I’ve seen it happen many times.

The country has over 953,000 vacancies, and lots of opportunities for overtime.  The country will make sure you get gas if the current supplier can’t make money, and didn’t put something to one side to deal with price fluctuations! And we might not get exactly what we want in the supermarket, but there is still far more choice than our parents remember and they still managed to feed us well. There are many places in the world far worse off than us, in fact there is nowhere in the world I would rather be, than good old Great Britain!


“Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options.”  Simon Sinek