Robin's Diary: 22/8/24
What’s so exciting?
Having just been through our own election, and now being bombarded by the US election, it does make me wonder why it’s so newsworthy – these elections never seem to make any real difference!
Those who have been in power tell us everything they are going to do – but why didn’t they do it, when they had the chance?? And those who are not in power tell us what they think will win votes and power - but once elected, very little seems to actually change, despite lots of announcements?!
Maybe I’m just getting old and cynical, but in business, if we say we are doing something, we are held to account by the staff and customers, who vote with their continued custom or employment. However, in top-level politics, it seems to be more about getting the big jobs, power and fame!
It’s not a game show, we don’t need celebrities, we need people who will lead, who will if needed, make difficult decisions - but we also need to speed up, and if ever that was evident, it’s been since the riots, with quick and firm justice, rather than slow and protracted actions and decisions.
“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river." — Nikita Khrushchev