Robin's Diary - 13/3/20
We are trying!
In an effort to help contain Coronavirus, we have implemented many changes to our processes to do our best to avoid the spread of the virus to both our staff and their families and to our customers.
Even with a policy of disinfecting steering wheels, gear levers, door handles etc for both sales and service cars, and hand cleaning before and after touching each car, we are still struggling because it is difficult to obtain the cleaning gels, soaps, disinfectants required!
Unfortunately I have had to ask everyone to avoid shaking hands, which, especially after agreeing to buy / sell a car is an important sign of trust, but I am sure the elbow touch will suffice.
I have absolutely no idea if our efforts will have an effect in the big picture, but we are taking the health of everyone we come into contact with seriously, whilst maintaining all the services we provide. I am sure if we all take steps to contain the virus as much as possible, but continue to get on with life, we will get through. We are after all British, we have a track record of coping and dealing with a crisis, with sensible actions! It’s that old nugget Common Sense again!!
“Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants.” William Osler